"Url_de_la_musique.mid"https://youtu.be/lc8RFPZUkiQ MACGYVER: SAUVONS L'AMAZONIE


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Bienvenue sur le blog de angus stace macgyver, vous aures toutes les informations concernant notre héros de la série au film avec richard dean anderson et peut-étre avec les autres mémes ou d'autres nouveaux acteur, je travavaille aussi avec lee david zlotoff en correspondance avec le site de macgyver qui a était crée par rick createur du site macgyver la série et le film bonne divertissement a tous et merci de visiter le blog.

mardi 21 août 2012



The Amazon is the planet's largest remaining rainforest, teeming with more wildlife than anywhere else on Earth. But this majestic rainforest is caught between the twin destructive forces of deforestation and climate change. Greenpeace is campaigning for an end to deforestation in the Amazon by 2015 and globally by 2020.

You can sign up here to get involved, head over to www.theamazonismyfriend.org, or try our Find A Brazilian facebook app to help us get 1.4m Brazilians for a zero deforestation law. 

22 March 2012 The Rainbow Warrior sails through the Amazon river. The new protest vessel, in Brazil for the first time, is passing through the Amazon and down the Brazilian coast, to support campaigns for a zero deforestation law.
  The Amazon is a vast and majestic rainforest teeming with an estimated quarter of all known land species. The jaguar, the pink river dolphin, the sloth, the world's largest flower, a monkey the size of a toothbrush and a spider the size of a baseball are just a few of the species that we know about - there are many more yet to be discovered.
It is also home to over 20 million people including hundreds of indigenous peoples, some of which have never been contacted by the ‘outside world’.
And finally, the Amazon stores 80 to 120 billion tonnes of carbon, helping to stabilise the planet's climate.

The latest updates


Brazilian pig iron industry agrees measures to protect Amazon

Blog entry by Daniel Brindis | August 2, 2012 3 comments
Good news from the Amazon! Today, the pig iron industry has committed to finally changing its ways – all seven pig iron companies in the Brazilian state of Maranhão signed an agreement not to source wood charcoal that comes from...

JBS Scorecard

Publication | June 26, 2012 at 17:00
JBS Scorecard Summary Update

JBS caught red handed again in Brazil

Blog entry by Sarah Sharoka | June 6, 2012 8 comments
The cattle industry is renowned for being the single biggest cause of deforestation globally and a few years ago, Greenpeace confronted the industry’s practices in Brazil . With your help we achieved a huge victory within months of...

The hidden reality in Dilma's Forest Code 'veto'

Feature story | June 1, 2012 at 10:20
Brazilian President Dilma Rousseff tried to create the illusion last week that she was vetoing the very worst parts of Brazil's new Forest Code to protect the Amazon rainforest. The reality, however, is entirely different.

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