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dimanche 28 avril 2013


J.J. Abrams Directing Star Wars 7 Because Of His Wife!

| Filed under: Film FlickersLove LineStar Wars
jj abrams wife katie influenced star trek star wars decision
Husbands around the world who have refused to change plans for your wives, do NOT let them read this story!
J.J. Abrams changed entire universes for his!
The Star Trek: Into Darkness director says he was on the fence about doing the next Star Wars film until his wife Katie McGrath chimed in. He says:
"In the end it was my wife, Katie, who said if it was something that really interested me, I had to consider it."
Nice use of the Jedi mind trick there, Katie! So does she prefer Wars to Trek? Has she drawn a line in the nerd sand??
Actually, J.J.'s chances of directing the next Trek are not so completely slim as we thought! He says:
"I would say it’s a possibility. We’re trying to figure out the next step. But it’s like anything: It all begins with the story."
And now we know J.J.'s is a love story! What a good hubby!
Ch-ch-check out the pics (below) to see more of the geek god and the girl who got him!
[Image via Apega/WENN.]
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